CO2 Emission Co2 Emission

CO2 Emission

CO2 Emission

The newly-released Third National Climate Assessment has some eye-opening news about climate change. It confirms that if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced it is likely

  • Increased severity of dangerous smog and particulate pollution in many regions
  • Intensified precipitation events, hurricanes, and storm surges
  • Reduced precipitation and runoff in the arid West
  • Reduced crop yields and livestock productivity
  • Increases in fires and the prevalence of diseases transmitted by food, water, and insects
  • Increased risk of illness and death due to extreme heat

More flooding

 Other changes are even more dramatic. Residents of some coastal cities see their streets flood more regularly during storms and high tides. Inland cities near large rivers also experience more flooding.

Temporary reduction in daily global CO2 emissions

At their peak, emissions in individual countries decreased by –26% on average. The impact on 2020 annual emissions depends on the duration of the confinement, with a low estimate of –4% (–2 to –7%) if per-pandemic conditions return, and a high estimate of –7% (–3 to –13%) if some restrictions remain worldwide

How can we play our role for the global cause?

As a responsible citizen, we should think green by adopting green technology. ECO-ESS provide a wide range of environmentally friendly products to support this global cause. Go Green is the only solution to reduce greenhouse gas Emission.